Eartec Ultralite HD hub 2 channel or 8 users conference Licence FreeEartec Ultalite HD Hub with LiON Battery. 8 users in Conference mode. (9 If the hub is used as a portable with a wiredheadset)
2 independant channels with a maximum of 4 users on each channel. Weight approx. Batte…£ 498.00 HUB -
Eartec Cyber headset for Ultralite HubEartec Cyber Headset for Ultralite HD Hubs.£ 50.40 HUBCYB
Eartec Hub interconnect lead for linking 2 hubs togetherEartec Hub interconnect lead for linking 2 hubs together£ 40.02 HB35IL
Single sided Headset for Eartec HubEartec Max 4G Single sided Headset with Mini Hub connector£ 90.00 HUBMXS
Double sided Headset for Eartec HubEartec Max 4G Double sided Headset with Mini Hub connector£ 114.00 HUBMXD